More than 45,000,000 connections made since 1996

Form Request

EPS has created a new format to capture any new form request or changes to existing forms on the or In-field Express platforms. East Point Systems has provided form generation for our clients free of charge for many years, but due to increased demands we created a process to get your forms to be done in an even more efficient manner. Any new form request or required adjustment by a national and used by other offices are still free. If you have a new form request that no one else is using, but later is determined to be beneficial to others, we will credit your account for the initial fee and updates to current national mandated forms will continue to be done for free.

Form Request

The Process

  1. Submit the request form by following the Form Request button to the left.
    • Please submit a separate request for each client. Also, if you have more than one form, please zip the files before upload.
    • Cost for form development is $50 dollars per page and $100 for pages with business logic. (Business logic pages contain rules that qualify a question on the form to force a corrective response)
  2. Sales or Support will follow up and confirm cost before start of work.
    • Delivery of new forms depends on level of current form requests already in process.
    • If requesting the modification of an existing form, please submit using the same process, making sure to note that the form already exists in the description field.